بيتكوين روجوند: المحللين عارية على ما إذا كان كريبتوكيرنسي هو صفقة جيدة أو مخاطرة كبيرة جدا.
ارتفاع بيتكوين الصعودي في السعر هذا العام هو دعم الناس في معسكرين: المشبوهة بعمق و متحمس بشكل لا يصدق.
اندرو ليفت، وهو ناقد للبيتكوين، وتوم لي، وهو معجب كبير، يربعان يوم الاربعاء على "المال السريع" لل بى بى سى.
اليسار، من سيترون البحوث، هو بائع قصيرة لاحظ الذي يحب للعثور على الأسهم التي يعتقد أن مبالغ فيها وبسبب سقوط، وكان بيتكوين التركيز الكبير له مؤخرا. في هذا الصيف، أوضح ليفت حجته ضد صندوق الاستثمار بيتكوين، وهو صندوق تديره شركة غرايسكيل إنفستمينتس التي من المفترض أن تتبع ارتفاع نيزك كريبتوكيرنسي ل. اليسار يقول بيتكوين بأسعار باهظة بالنسبة إلى قيمته الأساسية.
ولكن لي، من المستشارين العالميين فوندسترات، وقال انه يرى بيتكوين الذهاب إلى 25،000 $ في خمس سنوات وربما 55،000 $، وقال انه قد وافق على الثقة بيتكوين الاستثمار، واصفا إياه بأنه "شراء جذابة".
في الوقت الذي كشف فيه اليسار عن دعوته الهابطة، كان تداول بيتكوين يسمع 4،775 $. وهي تتداول الآن عند مستوى 5،695 دولار، أي بزيادة قدرها 19٪ في أقل من شهرين.
وارتفعت محفظة بيتكوين للاستثمار بنسبة 456 في المئة لهذا العام.
وقال ليفت يوم الاربعاء ان دعوة لى من 25 الف دولار هى "غير مسؤولة"، وانه يعطي المستثمرين فكرة انهم يستطيعون الحصول على ثراء سريع. وقال "لا نعرف ما هو بيتكوين الان". واضاف "يجب ان تجد هويتها". ويتساءل عما إذا كانت عملة أو أصلا.
وقال لي على نبك أن شراء بيتكوين الاستثمار الثقة هو وسيلة لالتقاط معظم الارتفاع المحتمل في بيتكوين مع التعرض أكثر سيولة ويعترف بيتكوين هو استثمار "محفوفة بالمخاطر جدا" في حد ذاته. واتفق على أنه يجب على المستثمرين تخصيص مبلغ صغير فقط من أموالهم.
فوندسترات لي، الرئيس التنفيذي السابق للاستثمارات في الأسهم في جي بي مورغان تشيس، يرى كريبتوكيرنسي كمخزن للقيمة مثل الذهب، ومصلحة المستثمرين دفع السعر لأعلى. وقال "فاستى موانى" الشهر الماضى "اعتقد بشكل قاطع ان بيتكوين هو افضل استثمار لك".
وقال "لا اريد ان يضع المستثمرون 100٪ من اموالهم الى بيتكوين". "أعتقد أنه لا يزال مبكرا"، مضيفا أن بيتكوين لم يكن فقاعة كما يمكن أن يرى.
وعلى الرغم من عدم عقد بيتكوين على نطاق واسع الآن، والجهود التي تبذلها بورصة شيكاغو مجلس الخيارات لتقديم التداول بيتكوين الآجلة بحلول مطلع العام المقبل قد تساعد على زيادة الملكية، وقال.
رأيه هو في تناقض صارخ مع ذلك من رئيسه السابق، جبي مورغان تشيس الرئيس التنفيذي جيمي ديمون، الذي دعا بيتكوين "الاحتيال"، لكنه يقول انه يرى قيمة في التكنولوجيا بلوكشين التي تدعم ذلك. العديد من البنوك قد تم استكشاف استخدام بلوكشين، دفتر الأستاذ الرقمي المحاسبة التي تتيح للمستخدمين متابعة سلسلة من المعاملات، لتسوية وغيرها من الاستخدامات.
ولكن البنوك البارزة الأخرى كانت أقل أهمية. وقال لويد بلانكفين غولدمان ساكس انه لم يفكر في بيتكوين على الرغم من أن البنك هو استكشاف كيفية التجارة بها ردا على استفسارات من العملاء.
The rise in the bullish price in this year is supporting people in two camps: deeply suspicious and incredibly excited.
Andrew Levitt, a critic of Pitcullin, and Tom Lee, a great admirer, are bragging on Wednesday about the BBC's "quick money".
The left, from Citron Research, is a short note vendor who likes to find stocks that are believed to be overpriced and because of the fall, and Petcown has had a big focus recently. This summer, Left explained his argument against the investment fund KFKWIN, a fund run by Grayskill Investments Inc. that is supposed to follow the rise of the Cryptocernes meteorite. The left says Betcuen at exorbitant prices for its basic value.
But Lee, a global consultant for Fondstrat, said he saw Petcuen going to $ 25,000 in five years and probably $ 55,000, and he had approved the investment trust of PeteCuen, calling it "attractive buying."
At the same time as the left has revealed its bearish call, the PeteChoen trade was hearing $ 4,775. It is currently trading at $ 5,695, an increase of 19% in less than two months.
KFH's investment portfolio rose 456 percent this year.
Lift said on Wednesday that Li's call of 25,000 dollars is "irresponsible" and he gives investors the idea that they can get rich quick. "We do not know what PeteCwin is now." "You have to find her identity." Wondering whether they are currency or originally.
Lee told NBC that buying the investment trust Betcuen is a way to capture most of the potential rise in Betcown with more liquidity exposure and admits Petequin is a "very risky" investment in itself. It was agreed that investors should allocate only a small amount of their money.
Fundstreet Lee, former chief equity officer at JPMorgan Chase, sees Cryptocernsey as a store of value like gold, and investors are paying the price higher. "I firmly believe that KFH is the best investment for you," Vasti Mwane said last month.
"I do not want investors to put 100 percent of their money into PeteCwin," he said. "I think it's still early," adding that PeteCwin was not a bubble as he could see.
Although Citoyen is not holding a large scale now, the efforts of the Chicago Board of Options to offer the futures trading by PeteCwin early next year may help increase property, he said.
His opinion is in stark contrast to that of former boss, Gibby Morgan Chase CEO Jimmy Demon, who called the Betcuen "fraud", but he says he sees value in Blocchin technology that supports it. Many banks have been exploring the use of plucheen, a digital ledger accounting that allows users to follow a series of transactions, to settle and other uses.
But other prominent banks were less important. Lloyd Blankfein Goldman Sachs said he had not thought of PeteCwin although the bank was exploring how to trade them in response to inquiries from customers.
Andrew Levitt, a critic of Pitcullin, and Tom Lee, a great admirer, are bragging on Wednesday about the BBC's "quick money".
The left, from Citron Research, is a short note vendor who likes to find stocks that are believed to be overpriced and because of the fall, and Petcown has had a big focus recently. This summer, Left explained his argument against the investment fund KFKWIN, a fund run by Grayskill Investments Inc. that is supposed to follow the rise of the Cryptocernes meteorite. The left says Betcuen at exorbitant prices for its basic value.
But Lee, a global consultant for Fondstrat, said he saw Petcuen going to $ 25,000 in five years and probably $ 55,000, and he had approved the investment trust of PeteCuen, calling it "attractive buying."
At the same time as the left has revealed its bearish call, the PeteChoen trade was hearing $ 4,775. It is currently trading at $ 5,695, an increase of 19% in less than two months.
KFH's investment portfolio rose 456 percent this year.
Lift said on Wednesday that Li's call of 25,000 dollars is "irresponsible" and he gives investors the idea that they can get rich quick. "We do not know what PeteCwin is now." "You have to find her identity." Wondering whether they are currency or originally.
Lee told NBC that buying the investment trust Betcuen is a way to capture most of the potential rise in Betcown with more liquidity exposure and admits Petequin is a "very risky" investment in itself. It was agreed that investors should allocate only a small amount of their money.
Fundstreet Lee, former chief equity officer at JPMorgan Chase, sees Cryptocernsey as a store of value like gold, and investors are paying the price higher. "I firmly believe that KFH is the best investment for you," Vasti Mwane said last month.
"I do not want investors to put 100 percent of their money into PeteCwin," he said. "I think it's still early," adding that PeteCwin was not a bubble as he could see.
Although Citoyen is not holding a large scale now, the efforts of the Chicago Board of Options to offer the futures trading by PeteCwin early next year may help increase property, he said.
His opinion is in stark contrast to that of former boss, Gibby Morgan Chase CEO Jimmy Demon, who called the Betcuen "fraud", but he says he sees value in Blocchin technology that supports it. Many banks have been exploring the use of plucheen, a digital ledger accounting that allows users to follow a series of transactions, to settle and other uses.
But other prominent banks were less important. Lloyd Blankfein Goldman Sachs said he had not thought of PeteCwin although the bank was exploring how to trade them in response to inquiries from customers.